It has been three (3) months of Stay Safe-Stay Home.
Some of us have had the opportunity to shelter at home while others have become our hero’s as the essential front line in the war against Covid-19. Many lost their jobs and livelihoods. Many lost their lives. We have all lost our grip on innocence. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a shock to our mental, emotional and physical condition.
For people all over the globe, across the country and specifically here in the metropolitan New York City area, it continues to be a struggle to keep one’s sense of hope afloat.
The constant refrain on the internet, television, instagram, zoom, facebook and twitter is, “When will this be over?”
And, in the midst of this devastating pandemic we are witness to the horrific murder of George Floyd and the roar of the collective consciousness of people across the nation and the world demanding an acknowledgment that racism is a plague that devours the very fabric of our society.
The recent messaging of protests in every state of America echoes that of the pandemic but it reverberates with a visceral agony that undeniably reveals that “this” will not be over soon.
The Truth is, this is not a Detour.
Life as we knew it has been intrinsically altered. However, we shall survive. We shall overcome. We shall progress to a higher level of understanding, respect and compassion for one another. We will be successful and attain these goals as long as we have fortitude in keeping the communication flowing and insuring that our hearts and minds remain centered as we move forward.
During these past months, divorce mediations have continued,, and for MFL, mostly thru the zoom platform. Many our our friends and acquaintances have wondered aloud, ‘How many couples are seething to get divorced through this period of time that they have been quarantined together ?’. The statistics have not been developed on this question to date.
However, what has been quite evident is that the empathy dial has been turned up and the rhetoric has been dialed down in light of the fragility of our uncertain futures and mortality.
We do not know what the coming months have in store for us and we certainly do not know what October -November will bring. What we do know is that a seismic shift is occurring in people’s minds regarding their own personal outlook on life and their interdependence on one another. The optic has shifted to a more global perspective.
This newly evolving paradigm makes mediation the perfect venue to discuss and work out divorce issues and family disputes. We invite you to contact us so that together we may explore what your journey may look like in your pursuit to achieve a sustainable, respectful, secure place in the next chapter of your life.