Four months away from the 3d anniversary of Covid and I still feel like I am aboard the Jupiter 2 with the Robinson family and Dr. Smith, lost in space (and time) and wondering what will become of this world.

Initially, here on earth, in early 2020, Divorce was the last thing on anyone’s mind or if it had been considered, the facts and circumstances of the new Covid paradigm made it financially, emotionally and physically impossible for couple to disengage.

We were all “lost in space” and our own personal launch pad became small and smaller as we stayed home and shared our lives via zoom or face time or even face-to-face for those ‘stuck’ in their parent’s house or their significant others apartment.

Though the robot is still warning “ Danger, Will Robinson”, we have slowly emerged from outer space with a new perspective on the stars above and our own futures.

As life returns to some normalcy and the layers of self protection recede, the spector of Divorce has once again risen and made itself known. But fear not, for Mediate for Life Divorce Mediation continues to offer a safe, transparent, professional and highly trained staff of mediators to assist you and guide you through the divorce process, all the while, shielding you from dangerous pitfalls and extreme unnecessary unpleasantness.

If you are reading these words it is likely you have already found our website. Prior to the start of the pandemic lock down, it was all about how large one’s office was or what you spent on a suit or dress or did you have a prestigious address. Then, all of a sudden, everyone was working from home in their street clothes or better yet in their gym clothes.

The real worth of a person became their words and their actions. The confidence that one imparted to another…the empathy one shared with another…the act of being there for another person, both personally and professionally, became the beacon of what it means to have integrity and gravitas.

That is what Mediate for Life has. That is what we want to share with you.

If it is now your time to consider a Divorce, contact us. Let us be your compass and pull you from whatever ‘space’ your’e currently stuck in. We can help you land into a fair, just and sustainable Divorce Agreement without ever leaving the ground.

steven bettman